
Faculty Governance

A quality education and a rewarding life experience for all of our students are fundamental objectives to which the entire campus community of the University of South Carolina Upstate dedicates itself.  Faculty Governance serves as a voice for the faculty in the decision-making processes that promote the achievement of these goals. Along with students, staff, and administrative leadership, faculty service to the institution through governance contributes to the ongoing success of our institution.

As directed by the University of South Carolina鈥檚 Board of Trustees, Faculty Governance reports directly to the Chancellor of the University of South Carolina Upstate. Through its elected officers, Faculty Senate representatives chosen by the academic units, as well as the collective voice expressed at general faculty meetings, Faculty Governance performs a crucial function in fulfilling the academic mission of the University, partnering with Academic Affairs and administrative leaders in the day-to-day operation of the institution. Additionally, using the lines of communication established by this system of shared governance, faculty assume advisory roles at all levels of institutional leadership, including the Chancellor鈥檚 Cabinet.

The standing committees that report to the Faculty Senate are essential mechanisms through which faculty address various issues that arise concerning the well-being of all of our stakeholders. In particular, Faculty Governance advocates for the means necessary to support the faculty in their pedagogical and scholarship endeavors.

Faculty Governance Resolutions 2022-2023:

Faculty Governance Resolutions 2021-2022: